I have recently came across an interesting list, it lists the types of minimalists (from the perspective of motivation).
Credit to Brooke Allen Harris aka Happy Simple Mom. Her post can be found here.
The list is:
- Frugal minimalists. Minimalists who don’t spend money, for whatever reason.
- Aesthetic minimalists. Minimalists who like an aesthetically pleasing home with very few items on display.
- Mindful minimalists. Minimalists who practice intention or essentialism in all aspects of their lives.
- Save the earth minimalists. Minimalists who practice zero waste or other sustainable practices.
- Traveling or experimental minimalists. Minimalists who live out of backpacks or value experiences over a more permanent home.
- Counting minimalists. The minimalists who count how many items they own and refuse to go over such number, either for their entire home or for a specific category.
- Normal minimalists. I put a lot of moms in this category. Moms who are fed up with cleaning and the stress of being stretched too thin! Getting rid of stuff and life clutter helps these minimalists feel lighter, but they are OK still having a “lived in” but clean home.
I think I will group my motivations to be 'Mindful' with a hint of 'Frugal' stemming from necessity. I do wish to eliminate waste by using less, however I am not as extreme as 'Save the earth' are likely to be.
Something that comes to mind - is there a difference between being intentional with money and being frugal? I think there is ... but it is a thin line. There are certain things that I want to keep as part of my life (e.g. face cream, eye liner) but I am not purchasing as I can live without them in this present moment (Dave Ramsey - Baby Step 2). I may allow the purchases from my next month's budget, or I may not. My face care and make up routine is intentional ... it fits into a small box. I am willing to spend money on the products in this box, even though there are alternatives for spending less.
Until soon,