Please Stop Wearing These 3 Things (at any age)

Dear all

An article written by Courtney Carver of Be More with Less worth reading ...

It is scary what we hold on to and chose to keep in our lives.

P.S. I have borrowed the image from the article as well.

Until soon,

My relationship with shopping ...

Dear all

Since I started this journey to Minimalism my relationship with shopping has gradually changed.

I have not bought new clothes for over a year, on an exception of a few items bought second hand from eBay or Charity Shops (can be counted on one hand) and a few items sewn from fabric already owned (again countable on one hand). But as you know I am not perfect ... so have to make a little confession ...I did buy three new pairs of shoes in the past year (all of them were replacements for worn out/broken pairs- heels x 2 to wear in the office and sandals x 1 for everyday wear outside).

As we are coming into Autumn season I would like to get some boots. I wanted to say 'need' but I can probably do without for a while. My Autumn/Spring pair has fallen apart last Spring and I have delayed replacing them making do with winter boots long into warm weather and then wearing trainers (which frankly look unprofessional).

I went to check out some models in town, and I think pinned down the one I am willing to budget into my next pay. Ankle boots with laces (with a side zip) in chocolate. Perfect colour to match my bag. So regardless of what I am wearing on the way to work (my heels are kept at the office) I should always appear put together on arrival.

As always seems to be the case a helpful shop assistant was on hand to chat. We discussed some of the models. She pointed out some quirky boots, new this season, that were in flowers ... I thought they looked kind of cool however knew that I would have nothing that went well with them (hmm fashion vs style anyone). I thanked her for her time and was about to depart ... when she noted the Summer stock sale they were having. I have not even noticed it!!! I was a girl on a mission that walked in to see if they had what I wanted rather than browse sales like I used to do back in the day. Out of politeness I walked around did not see anything I was even vaguely interested in and was about to depart when the shop assistant pointed out an extra 20% discount on top of the sale that they had just that day, and showed me some boots on sale in my size (black), noting the massive discount (although not that much cheaper than the pair I have my eye on). I may have tuned her out a little as they weren't the colour or model I wanted to have in my life and were completely different to what I was looking at earlier.

I am becoming a lot more intentional with what I buy. If I was not intending to buy the item in the first place no matter how big of the discount it was, it is not a saving.

As such my shoe collection is almost perfect and should last a few years. My black heels are a little worse for wear so may need replacing in the next year or so (I had them for about 4 - 5 years and being black they had significant wear), but I am willing to wait until a perfect replacement is found which could take months or even years.

Until soon

Reading and books ...

Dear all

I am an avid reader. I am ... in the present tense. However for a number of years I have lost this passion.

Marie Kondo addresses books second in her list of things to tackle and let go. Over the past year or so I said good bye to many books I purchased but did not find joy in reading, books that made me feel guilty for not reading them, and others that were gifted to me.

The more I let go the more I began to read again. A weird counter intuitive result. Kondo received a lot of criticism on this topic in the social media. However she does not make you get rid of anything ... it is up to you in what you decide to keep. I went through phases with my cleanse. The first two times I removed books I had no desire of reading in the first place or again, cook books that required a massive investment just to make one recipe. That removed a lot of information around me fighting for my attention.  The next phase was harder. These were the guilt trapped books, the ones I kind of enjoyed reading but not sure I wanted to persevere. I left them for the time being to see if I can read them once and let go. Some were read and let go, others I wished good bye to since.

An interesting revelation came when I realised I do not enjoy the same kind of books I used to. Since a young age I have predominantly read fiction, from classics to detectives to chic-flics. It was a form of an escape. I find it next to impossible to read fiction now. Instead I prefer to read non-fiction self-development books now. Books that discuss decluttering, minimalism, personal finance, and purpose of life.

I host a monthly reading group, and we read whatever we like in this category of non-fiction.  This was my selection for August ...

I finished reading three of the books and made progress on a fourth. I see books now more as an experience with a few treasures to keep along the way. Sustainability is pushing me towards audio books and I may even consider ebooks, however a few paperbacks and hardbacks are also needed in my life to give me joy. I have had some lazy mornings with a cup of tea and a book in bed.

I am looking forward to finalising my September selection.

Until soon,